A Short History of Television

Monday, January 5, 2009

After the printing press, the most important invention in communication technology to date has been the television. Television has changed the way teachers teach, government govern, and religious leaders preach and the way we organize the furniture in our homes.

Mechanical and Electronic Scanning

In 1884 paul Nipkow, a Russian scientist living inBerlin, developed the fiorst workable device for generating electrical signals suitable for the transmitting os a scene that people could see. His Nipkow disc consisted of a roating scanning disc spinning in front of a photoelectric cell.

The 1950s
In 1952, 108 stations were broadcasting to 17 million television homes. In the 1950s more television sets were sold in the United States than there were children born. The content and character of the medium were set in this decade as well:
• Carried over from the radio networks, television genres included variety shows, situation comedies, dramas, soap operas, and quiz shows.
• Two new formats appeared: feature films and talk shows. Talk shows were instrumental in introducing radio personalities to the television audience, which could see it favorites for the first time.
• Television news and documentary remade broadcast journalism as a powerful force in its own right, led by CBS’s Edward R. Murrow and NBC’s David Brinkley and Chet Huntly.
• AT&T completed its national coaxial cable and microwave relay network for the distribution of television programming in the summer of 1951.


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